accinv.utils module

class accinv.utils.RegexContainer(pattern: Union[str, Pattern])

Bases: Container

Instances of this class test membership via re.fullmatch().


pattern – Strings are converted to patterns via re.compile. Note that this uses the default flags.

accinv.utils.chain_function_calls(funcs: Sequence[Callable], unpack: bool = False) Callable
Create a wrapper that chains the given functions from left (outermost)

to right (innermost).

  • funcs – The functions to be chained.

  • unpack – If true, then the return values of functions will be unpacked for the next function call (i.e. f(*x) as opposed to f(x)).


A wrapper function which will chain the various individual function calls.

accinv.utils.ensuresuffix(string, suffix, /)

Append suffix if it is not already present in string.

accinv.utils.is_iterator_exhausted(i: Iterator) bool

Return True if the given iterator i contains no more elements, and False otherwise.


This tries to consume an element from the given iterator via next(). If there was an element to consume, it will not be put back into the iterator (as this is not possible for general iterators).

accinv.utils.lowercase(data: Collection[str]) list[str]

Convert all elements of the given collection to lowercase and return the result as a list.